Day 6 Observations (No, you didn’t miss anything).

First, there’s nothing more boring, in my opinion, than reading a redundant journal of what someone else eats (or what you, yourself, eat). In fact, that’s a large reason why I assumed I wouldn’t be so great at this challenge.

I don’t like writing down everything I eat. It’s not the accountability part; it’s frustrating to repeat the same words over and over. Then to type it into our Facebook group for accountability. Yeah, I could keep the log on my phone to make transferring it over easier, but that really isn’t easy, either. Lots of repetition. Not digging it. I mean, in a stressful I-can-do-it-all world, some things don’t register very high.

My first package of Shakeology* arrived, and today was my first one. Chocolate is the only flavor I have, so from here on, chocolate it is. They really are delicious. I have used weight-loss or meal-replacement shakes before, and while yummy, they aren’t filling. Shakeology is filling. Lee read the ingredients and said Shakeology is better on the cholesterol levels than the products he uses (and he’s not watching his weight—he’s a muscly guy). He was impressed.

Lee and Cole went to get my Mother’s Day gift and also came back with “dinner” from Chic-fil-A. It was a little frustrating for me, but I was really proud that I only ate two waffle fries.

Today, I took 12,653 steps, including to and from the gym for my son’s basketball game (they drove).

*Pay close attention to all ingredients in any products you use. Make sure you read the finest of the fine print, too. I’ll spoil this part of the ending of this saga to say: I loved Shakeology but I am allergic to Stevia (which I learned during this process), so I had to stop using it. I am sad, sad, sad about that. Many of these shake products tout Stevia use because it’s natural. And while natural is great—and it really seems to be—it’s not, if you are allergic. So, natural products are not always fool-proof. Know that.

B: coffee, 2 Equals, nondairy creamer, peanut butter Clif bar

L: Shakeology, chocolate

AS: Diet coke, cheddar cheese stick

D: Chic-fil-A sandwich, 2 waffle fries (Yes, only 2!)

Day 7: Mother’s Day

B: coffee, 2 Equals, nondairy creamer, peanut butter Clif bar

No breakfast in bed. My son sleeps past noon. Alas.

L: sweet tea, 2 roast beef and cheddar sandwiches on those little Hawaiian rolls, with a swipe of mayo; 4 small bites of potato salad; small slice of key lime pie

I didn’t want the potato salad or the pie, but my mother and her boyfriend brought all this food over for a picnic on our porch (still no kitchen), and if I didn’t, they wouldn’t be happy with me. My mom really was sweet to do it. Her favorite go-tos are Bojangles and Taco Bell, so I was lucky.

AS: 5 Triscuits and hummus and ½ an orange bell pepper

D: roast beef sandwich on real bread with cheddar and a swipe of mayo; 6 Triscuits with hummus and diet ginger ale

Counting Triscuits is new.

Day 8

I’ve learned that just the Clif bar and coffee doesn’t fill me up. And since I’m not eating just whatever I want these days, I’d better do better at breakfast. I’ll add Shakeology to breakfast.

Today, I coined a phrase, I’m pretty sure. This breakfast combo helps me stave off the “lunchies.” That would include Cheetos, my Siren-song snack.

Am I going to seriously list again the foods I ate after I opened with “I hate listing the foods I eat”? No. I’m setting up tomorrow’s post on portions. It may not be my finest moment, but I seriously learned something very important about myself.

And isn’t that what this is about?