Contributed by Kimberly Fulford, Regency On Time  Advantage

Depending on the type of environment and industry a business is in, uniforms for the staff can have a tremendous and positive impact on both employees and customers. Below are some of the top reasons to dress your employees in branded apparel:

  1. Create a professional business image. First impressions are extremely important and can build consumer confidence in your brand.
  2. Self-Promotion.When employees wear uniforms displaying your logo and company name, they become walking billboards for you, promoting your company for “free.”
  3. Promotes Team Environment.Uniforms can create a culture of team spirit and belonging among your staff, and a team that works together is more productive.
  4. Enhanced customer service.Work uniforms make it much easier for customers to identify your staff and approach them with questions, information, and purchases.
  5. Benefits Employees.Employer-provided uniforms save employees money by not having to buy clothes that they’ll wear just for work and time by cutting out the “what will I wear today?” dilemma.

Do you want to offer branded apparel and/or scrubs to your employees? Regency On Time Advantage has developed an easy-to-use, online platform that can be customized to meet your branding standards, including your embroidered company logo.  You can even offer coupons to your employees!  Email me at [email protected] to set up a call to learn more about our turnkey solution or visit